Batch upload is only available to Manager and Organization Admin user types. Attached to the bottom of this article is a template with examples included that you may use.
Batch Upload Parameters
For Batch Upload, the file type must uploaded as a .csv
Please use the following fields in your CSV (these are case sensitive and must be exactly as shown below):
- FIRST_NAME (required)
- LAST_NAME (required)
- EMAIL (required)
- GENDER (optional)
- male
- female
- DATE_OF_BIRTH (optional)
- 1980-12-31 (Year-Month-Day) or 12/31/1980 (Month/Day/Year)
- USER_TYPE (required)
- The following are the only accepted user types and are case sensitive (Note that the "patient" user type must be included as "client"):
- provider
- part_time_provider
- scheduling_facilitator
- scheduler
- client
- The following are the only accepted user types and are case sensitive (Note that the "patient" user type must be included as "client"):
- STATE_CODE (required)
- ie. TN
Additional optional fields:
- NPI is required for provider accounts when a clinic uses a scheduling integration with Hatch
- To add the users to a specific location, you'll enter the location ID in this column
- For assistance in getting the location ID, you can email technical support. (
- This is used to connect the patient account being uploaded to an existing provider in the system
- Add the email address associated with the provider in the system in the row of the patient being uploaded so that the patient and provider will be automatically connected
- EXT:
- This field is used for uploading SSO unique ID's. This field is case sensitive, so it's imperative the content in the field matches your IDP exactly.
- The "organizations" field must also be present when using the "ext:" field.
- When this field is being used, the header of the column must read "ext:[yourUIDfieldname]" and it must match your UID name exactly. For example, if your organization is using Provider Abbreviations for authentication via SSO, the column header should read "ext:providerabbreviation". If you cannot remember your organization's UID name, please reach out to Hatch Support for help.
- Please reach out to your implementation specialist if you have questions about this field.
- The organizations column is used to assign users to a specific suborg in Hatch.
- If you wish to add a user to multiple suborgs, you may separate them with a semicolon (no spaces). For example, "suborg1;suborg2;suborg3".
- The values in this field must match the "org value" provided by Hatch exactly as this field is case sensitive.
John | Doe | | male | 12/31/80 | provider | TN | Johndoe123 | |
Please note that all header fields are case sensitive
To Batch Upload users:
- Click Organization Management on the left and navigate to the organization you need to add users to
- You can only batch upload users into a single organization at one time
2. Click Users.
3. Click Batch Upload Users on the right-hand corner.
4. Click Browse to locate your file. (Please note only CSV files are compatible)
5. Click Upload.
** If you do not wish to send welcome emails to all users that you are adding in your batch, please be sure to deselect the 'Send welcome email' option from the batch upload tile before selecting upload.**
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